Yemaya Oil
GREAT FOR: Fertility, healing, spiritual guidance, love, motherhood, peace
The Yemaya oil helps channel in the spiritual properties of the Orisha lua, Yemaya. One of the most beloved Orishas and often associated with the Virgin Mary and Regla, Yemaya is the goddess of the ocean, the moon, of women and fertility. She is regarded as the Divine Mother in the Yoruba religion and is seen as a nurturing spiritual guide willing to help those in need. The Yemaya oil can be used when praying for enhancing fertility, whether you are struggling to conceive or have concerns about a future pregnancy. This oil may also be used to anoint candles during rituals to communicate with Yemaya, especially if you are asking for guidance about how to approach your fears or how to encourage healing.
WAYS TO USE: Apply the oil directly to skin. Pour oil into a spiritual and/or cleansing bath. Anoint the oil onto candles before ritual.
PAIR IT WITH: This oil can be used to reinforce the spiritual properties of the Yemaya Candle. Simply pour some oil at the top of the candle before burning the wick.
- Bottle size: 1 oz